I wish to take this moment to thank each one of you undaunted support this past financial year. You, as our valued customer are certainly assured of, We servicing you with greater zest in the coming year and pledge to do our very best to ensure that we come up to your expectation. Wishing your greater happiness, health & prosperity this 2021 - 22.
Gerard E Pinto
Since our inception in 1987, technology has driven everything that we offer. It is what our client value us for.
We will continue this tradition of harnessing technology to achieve our goals and reach new heights of successs.
Products manufactured in Horizon are under sub-licensed specifications, methods and equipment provided by BTR Silvertown Ltd. U.K. - A licensee of Resistoflex Corporation New Jersey.
All Lined pipe components sourced from Horizon Polymer Engg. Pvt. Ltd. will conform to the designated standard which in this case is ASTM F 1545. If the same is found not to be in conformance we will be obliged to take it back by making a full refund. Further, Should our product fail during the agreed warranty period, we will have the same replaced free of cost.
- Lined products are designed to withstand full vacuum applications at 200 degrees celcius
- Full Product Assurance - All products are lined using TEFLON® Fluoropolymers as per trademark agreement.
- Products made using Chemours polymers are supplied with QR code label affixed on each item for polymer traceability.
Qualification type tests as per ASTM F 1545 have been carried out recently under witness of TUV
Horizon ball valves have passed the Fugitive Emission test as per ISO 15848-1 and meets the Fugitive Emission class BH - test witness by TUV
Operational since 1987, Horizon Polymer has grown organically from nothing more than an idea into a global manufacturing force.
Our strategy for success will continue to ensure Design, Manufactur & Sell lined products of the very best quality.